Saturday, 1 June 2013

5 Diseases Related to Obesity

Everyone knows about several things that come along with being obese such as clothes not fitting right, not being able to ride most of the rides at an amusement park and not being able to be very active. But have you ever stopped to wonder why diseases are related to being obese? Let's take a look at some of them.
High Blood Pressure
It is believed that well over 65 million adults and around 10 million children are affected by obesity in the United States alone. Most suffer from high blood pressure that increases with weight gain and age. Unfortunately, the exact relation between high blood and obesity isn't yet known. What is known is that a weight loss of just eight pounds can reduce the risk of high blood pressure developing.
Obesity results in insulin resistance, which in turn causes type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that ninety percent of all obesity sufferers also contract diabetes. This is because the cells become resistant to insulin. Insulin turns the blood glucose into energy. When diabetes sets the body produces more insulin, but it can never make enough. Diabetes can lead to strokes, kidney disease, coronary heart disease and blindness. A fifteen to twenty pound weight reduction can significantly lower this risk.
Heart Disease
Obesity increases the risk of coronary heart disease, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Material called plague builds up and clogs the coronary arteries. Sometimes the heart can't pump sufficient blood and this ends with congenative heart failure. Those that have heart disease are much more likely to have a heart attack or stroke before they are have reached forty-five. Obese teenagers run the risk of an attack or stroke before they reach thirty-five. Apple-shaped figures, that is people who carry their extra weight around their stomachs as opposed to pear-shaped people, whose weight is around their hips and bottoms have an increased risk of heart disease.
High Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol leads to risk of heart attacks. The cholesterol in one's body produces hormones and vitamin D. The body actually makes all the cholesterol that it needs, but some foods are saturated with it, which increases the level and harms the body. High cholesterol results from low-density lipprotein LDL, which is bad for a person's health. On the other hand, HDL, high-density lipprotein is good. HDL cholesterol takes the blood from the heart to the liver, where it is removed. Balanced levels of both are important for a healthy body. Gallstones are also made from cholesterol in an overweight person.
Obesity raises the risk of cancer. In women it is especially dangerous as it increases the risk factor by fifty percent. Obesity in women account for colon, breast and endometrial cancers. Here are also links to gallbladder, ovary and pancreas cancers too. Again, this can be reduced with a weight loss of a mere twelve pounds. Unfortunately, too rapid weight loss can increase the risk of cancer as well!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

How Do You Get Diabetes

Diabetes is characterized by the inability of the body to control its blood sugar level. High blood sugar is known as hyperglycemia and is controlled by the hormone insulin. So diabetes interferes with the creation and secretion of insulin.
There are three types of diabetes and they disrupt the normal secretion of insulin in different ways.
The first type of diabetes is known as Type 1 diabetes, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes. It is often called juvenile diabetes to indicate the age that most people acquire it. It is unusual to acquire Type 1 diabetes past your mid 20's.
Although it is not known how you get Type 1 diabetes, it is understood what causes the condition and some theories about why it occurs.
Type 1 Diabetes is known as an autoimmune disorder. This means that the body destroys the cells that produce insulin because it thinks that they are harmful to the body. These cells are called the beta cells found in the islet cells that are located in the pancreas. Because the insulin producing cells are destroyed blood sugar levels cannot be regulated by the body so insulin has to be injected into the body to perform this function.
Type 1 diabetes lasts for life and insulin replacement therapy must continue throughout. It is thought that a combination of genetic and environmental factors cause type 1 diabetes. People are thought to inherit genes that will tell the body to destroy beta cells. This, combined with exposure to poor diets, air pollution or poor quality environments could cause the disease to occur. Research continues.
Type 2 diabetes, sometimes known as adult onset diabetes because it was thought to occur in later life (although this is changing) is caused by insulin resistance. The beta cells in the pancreas continue to produce insulin but the body needs more insulin than secreted to process the glucose or the insulin is less effective in converting glucose into glycogen and thus reducing the blood sugar level.
Again, it is not completely clear why Type 2 diabetes occurs but being overweight is a common condition of most Type 2 diabetic people. The common assumption is that a lifestyle of eating unhealthy foods and not taking regular or adequate exercise could contribute to causing this disease.
It is believed that hereditary genes may predispose a person to acquire Type 2 diabetes but most advice on avoiding this condition is to lose weight, eat healthily and do more exercise.
Gestational diabetes is acquired during pregnancy and is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body during the pregnancy and, again, hereditary genes. Gestational diabetes generally stops after childbirth.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common of the 3 types of diabetes. It is estimated that 90% of diabetics suffer from this form of the ailment. It also seems that there is more data on how to avoid and prevent this condition than any of the others. Exercising more regularly and eating a healthy, balanced diet can significantly reduce the chances of contracting the disease. If you already have it, exercise and healthy eating can make it less intrusive to your lifestyle.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Type 2 Diabetes - Beverages and Diabetes

Much has been written about sugary drinks, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.
According to new research, artificially sweetened beverages could put drinkers at risk of developing this form of diabetes as well.
Investigators at Kanazawa Medical University in Ishikawa, Japan, looked at diet sodas as well as sugary drinks and compared high consumers with low consumers and their rate of development of Type 2 diabetes.
Their study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition in April 2013, included 2,037 middle-aged men...
·         over a period of 7 years 170 participants developed Type 2.
·         those who drank at least 1 sugar-sweetened beverage per day had a 35 percent greater chance of developing diabetes than those who drank fewer than one such beverage per day.
Surprisingly, the participants who drank at least one serving of diet soda per week were 70 per cent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who rarely or never drank this type of soda.
From this information it was concluded diet sodas, although lacking in calories, are associated with an increased risk of the development of Type 2 diabetes.
Another study, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in March 2013, found similar results in women. Investigators at the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health in Villejuif, France, looked at 66,118 women, who developed 1369 new cases of Type 2 diabetes. Both sugary drinks and diet sodas were associated with an increased risk of the development of Type 2 diabetes. No association between 100 percent fruit juice and diabetes was seen.
From this, it was concluded more controlled studies should be undertaken to find the possible link between this type of soda and Type 2 diabetes.
In both the above studies, participants chose what they wanted to drink, and those who drank diet sodas could have been consuming other sugary foods or high-fat foods. Drinkers of diet sodas could have been doing so because they were concerned about obesity.
While we await further developments on diet sodas, probably the safest thing is to drink various beverages in moderation.
·         water is refreshing, and there is some research showing coffee and tea could have protective effects against developing diabetes.
·         green tea has been investigated for possible protection against heart disease.
·         try adding blueberry or watermelon juice to a little seltzer for low-calorie, low-sugar, high antioxidant summer cooler.
·         mash lemon slices and peppermint leaves into a pitcher of water for a low-calorie, low-sugar drink that provides some vitamin C.
Be creative with fruits and herbs, and remember water is a great way to hydrate.
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. It need not slowly and inevitably get worse. You can take control of the disease and take back your health. It starts with taking care with what you eat and drink.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body.

The Role Of Colostrum In Treating AutoImmune Diseases

One of the primary functions of the immune system is the production of antibodies in response to the presence of invading organisms like viruses or bacteria. When this response is mistakenly initiated against the body's own cells, it triggers a runaway production of antibodies tailored for the targeted destruction of these cells by the immune system.
This process is called autoimmunity because it turns the body's immune systems against the body itself, and autoimmune diseases are characterized by the particular body cells under immune system attack.
Colostrum has a long history in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, and bovine colostrum offers a proven means of effectively alleviating disease symptoms and treating the underlying conditions associated disease progression over time.
While the direct causes of autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases are not yet known, their occurrence is almost always associated with leaky gut syndrome. In addition to tempering the overactive immune response, the effective treatment or successful reversal of autoimmune diseases must therefore begin with the repair of the GI tract. Colostrum supplementation is proven to be successful in achieving both of these goals.
The component in colostrum that is most beneficial in regulating the immune response in patients with autoimmune disease is Proline-rich polypeptide (PRP). Discovered in 1983, PRP is a small protein chain present in colostrum that has the same ability to regulate the immune system as the hormones of the thymus gland.
The PRP component of colostrum was first shown to be effective in reducing the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with many autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and myasthenia gravis. Further study of PRP's in the treatment of autoimmune diseases has also revealed that it has the ability to regulate an overactive immune response and reduce further damage to body tissues.
While the PRP immune factors in pure bovine colostrum work in regulating the immune systems of patients with autoimmune disease, its growth factors and immunoglobulin components further aid in the healing of the intestines, first by repairing damaged tissue and then by sealing the mucosal linings to restore their impermeability to parasites and toxins.
The growth factors in colostrum also aid in the reduction of pain and swelling in other parts of the body by stimulating the repair of nerve sheaths, skin tissues, and connective tissues attacked throughout disease progression.

Claims About Colostrum - An Overview

As a business owner of a New Zealand colostrum company, I think it is the right for me to give you not only the facts of colostrum but both sides of the story to you.
You may have heard claims about colostrum been the "Ultimate anti-aging, weight loss, and immune supplement." In addition, colostrum boosts your immune system. Several studies have been made find out more about colostrum's role in recovery from high-intensity exercise.
One study made in Australian cyclists found that the amount of work completed was significantly greater in the group of athletics on colostrum supplement than those that are not. It suggests that colostrum could boost recovery from high-intensity exercise.
This would be a boon for athletes carrying out interval workouts, participating in heats over the course of a day's competition or even attempting to 'hold on' during a race after a high-intensity surge.
Limitation of Colostrum On the Athletes
During the study period, the three groups followed identical diets in terms of carbohydrate, protein and fat consumption, and total energy intake. Training volume was also similar, with each group averaging about 88 minutes of cycle training per day.
As it turned out, neither of the dosages of cow colostrum had any effect on body mass, body composition or max aerobic capacity over the eight-week study period. Supplementation was also unable to improve performances to any significant degree.
Why did bovine colostrum improve the cyclists' ability to handle tough efforts at the end of the two-hour ride?
There are several possible explanations: for one thing, bovine colostrum contains a very important compound called plasma insulin-like growth factor I, or IGF-1. IGF-1 spurs the passage of nutrients into cells and - as its name suggests - can stimulate growth.
Bovine IGF-1 happens to have the same basic structure as human IGF-1, and thus it is possible that the IGF-1 in bovine colostrum might boost energy levels within muscles, kick-start protein synthesis, and aid recovery after strenuous workouts. However, blood concentrations of IGF-1 did not increase in this study, in contrast with the findings of previous studies on the effects of colostrum on runners.
Here are some other claims made by the colostrum manufacturers. Colostrum increases resistance to disease, facilitates fat burning, builds muscle, balances blood sugar and enhances mood. Sounds like snake oil to me.
If all of these claims sound too good to be true, it is normal and you can't possibly stop people from over stating the benefits of colostrum. Some even claim that it's a miracle supplement and it would heal most of the diseases like cancer etc.
There are also claims that colostrum help boost immunity. Yes, to an extent that it is true. However, do you really believe that colostrum will make you immune to common diseases like colds and flu? I doubt so.
You may be puzzled why me, been a business owner of a colostrum supplying company will ever say this to you. Honestly, I believe in speaking the truth to you, after all internet is just a tool to communicate to people. Those people who may be reading this article are after all REAL PEOPLE.
As a business owner of a New Zealand colostrum company, I think it is the right way for me to give you not only the facts of colostrum but both sides of the story to you. Colostrum boost your immune system, you may get sick even if you are on colostrum but there's one thing I can guarantee about, you will be the last person to get sick and the first one in your family to recover from any common sickness.
Will colostrum prevent you from getting sick?
Answer is no. But it makes sure that you will be the first to recover.

How Does Colostrum Strengthen Your Immune System?

In humans, the development of the immune system begins before birth with the transfer of antibodies and other immune factors via the mother's placenta. Immediately after birth, the mother continues to develop and strengthen immune system function of her newborn through the production of colostrum, a special type of breast milk produced during the first few days of life.
Packed within this sticky, pre-milk substance are the antibodies, immune factors, and immunoglobulins necessary to further aid in immune system development and actively strengthen immune system response. In the absence of disease or prolonged illness, the condition of our immune systems from here will be largely determined by our environment, activity level, and diet.
As we get older, or as greater environmental or physical demands are placed on our bodies, adequate nutrition becomes more important in ensuring that our immune systems are not compromised. For an ever-increasing number of us, though, proper nutrition doesn't jive with the foods we eat, and dietary supplementation is often used to pick up the slack where our diets fail.
It is not surprising, then, that research into colostrum was initially aimed at determining its value as a dietary or nutritional supplement. From this research, we now know that the same immune factors in colostrum that are so beneficial in developing the immune systems of infants also have beneficial effects on the immune systems of older children and adults. For people of all ages, colostrum is a safe, natural, and effective way to maintain immune system health and strengthen immune system function.
But where can we get colostrum? As humans, it may seem strange at first that colostrum produced by cows would provide the same benefits for humans than it does for baby cows. But it's true. Cows are more than 'outstanding in their field,' they are the producers of the only form of colostrum that is not specific to their own species.
This means that bovine colostrum contains all the immune and growth factors that found in the colostrum of all other lactating mammals, and that these factors can provide passive immunity to virtually all mammals who consume it--including humans. In using bovine colostrum as a supplement, humans get immunoglobulins and growth factors to help strengthen immune system performance, and several other immune factors that help strengthen immune system response.
Our immune system has two main lines of defense, and bovine colostrum supplementation is beneficial in the maintenance and strengthening of both of them. The first line of defense is called the innate immune system, and the second is called the adaptive immune system. The innate immune system is a non-targeted response that is effective for protecting the body against most invaders.
The skin and intestinal lining are part of the innate immune system because they act as barrier to most infective agents--the skin keeps them from getting into the body, and the intestinal lining keeps them from getting out of the gut. The adaptive immune system produces a targeted response to an invader by forming antibodies specifically for its neutralization.
The immunoglobulins in bovine colostrum strengthen immune system performance by coating the inner walls of the intestines, preventing the passage of pathogens and toxins through them. These same immunoglobulin’s also serve as ready-made antibodies in the adaptive immune system that can help strengthen immune system response.
The growth factors in bovine colostrum work in the innate immune system to repair broken skin and connective tissues, while the various immune factors work on both sides, aiding in the function of immunoglobulin’s and growth factors, and orchestrating the activity of other immune system components.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Slim Diet 2 - FAQ

1. Will everyone lose weight on this diet? I've tried everything and nothing seems to work.
Yes! Everyone should lose weight with the Slim Diet II. The only difference is how much and how fast. No one, over a period of time, can maintain their weight on the rapids weight loss plan of just 800 calories a day. There has to be a continued fat loss when utilising the diet an as the source of nutrition. Nature makes men burn more calories than women; therefore men lose weight faster.

2. This diets sounds too good to be true. There must be some negative side effects.
Yes, of course. As with any plan your body is undergoing a dramatic change in routine and may react in different ways. Problems occur for minority of people, are usually mild and last just a day or two. The long-term benefits make them more than worthwhile

3. Why do you recommend drinking so much water every day?
Water is good for you! Our bodies consist of over 60% water. We need to constantly replace our body fluids. We need sufficient liquid intake to keep our kidneys functioning properly, to help prevent fluid retention.

4. Would headaches be one of the problems?
Yes. The main reasons could be caffeine withdrawal to which your body has become addicted, or not taking enough fluid. Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches.

5. Will the SDII benefit my arthritis?
The diet plan will not cure any type of arthritis but symptoms in arthritis of the weight-bearing joints -will probably be alleviate by the loss of excess weight and the reduction of saturated fat in the diet. Patient frequently reports that they are able to decrease the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs with their doctor's permission. Some claim totally freedom from any symptoms.

6. What about dizziness?
Lack of sodium and fluid is most often caused by the diuretic effect that accompanies any low calorie diet. A reduction in the amount of fluid circulating in the body may result in dizziness, especially when standing up quickly. Solution: Make sure you are using Lite Salt which 50% sodium and 50% potassium. Drink the water as listed in the Diet.

7. I am worried that by losing a lot of weight quickly, I will look gaunt and haggard. Are you sure this won't happen?
On the contrary, slimmers who lose weight with SDII not only are healthy, they look healthy. This is because of the excellent nutritional content and the amount of protein in the Diet programme conserves body protein. The drawn look usually occurs when people have been starving themselves or have lost weight through illness. With the SDII, you're not depriving yourself of anything - except calories.

8. Are menstrual irregularities a side effect of the diet?
Occasionally some people do notice menstrual irregularities. This is due to the change in body weight. As their body weight stablises the cycle returns to normal. Some overweight women fail to menstruate, but when they lose weight their periods return.

9.Is the SDII suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, you merely take two extra servings. It is also suitable for nearly all-religious groups. The Chicken and Beef Soups are the only flavours containing meat extract.

10. I have tendency towards gouts. What do you advise?
People with gout usually have a higher level of uric acid in their blood. The problem with many diets is that they exacerbate the uric acid level. This would certainly occur during the first few days on the diet and the medication might be required. Those people who remain on the diet later show a lowered, even normal uric acid level and are generally less prone to gout attacks. Therefore a doctor's supervision is vital.

11. I have had a heart attack and I know I need to lose a lot of weight. Isn't your diet too stressful for me?
Many heart patients have had a positive experience with the diet. I have to emphasise that this is a matter for the judgement of the individual physician -and constant monitoring would be necessary. No one -with a serious medical condition should embark on any diet programme without total approval of his or her doctor. In particular, it's important to mention stroke victims and patients with serious kidney and liver ailments, all of who must consult their doctor.

Patients with diabetes must be under the direct supervision of their physician. A growing number of medical experts, familiar with the Diet, feel that this is the best method for the treatment of obese maturity onset diabetes. There are many case histories in which all-clinical evidence of diabetes disappears as the patient approaches their ideal weight.

13. I suffer from high blood pressure. Is the SDII ok for me?
A patient's blood pressure is usually lowered once they are successfully losing weight with the plan. Therefore, it is extremely likely that everyone taking antihypertensive-medication will need to decrease the dosage. It is important that a physician monitor the situation. The patients should never 'prescribe' for themselves.

14. Why do you lose water when you diet?
When you diet you obviously reduce your intake of calories. This means that initially the body is using up part of its store of glycogen. Each gram of glycogen in the body binds with four grams of water, so when the glycogen is burnt up as energy, it releases four grams of water.

15. Are the nutrients in the SDII synthetic or natural?
The principal nutrients are obviously natural, coming from soya beans. Some of the added vitamins, minerals and trace elements are 'nature identical', as are many that you find in health food stores. This means that although they are manufactured they are identical to the chemical composition of the natural element. They are molecularly the same and perform equally well.

16. Is there any way to get rid of fat faster from specific areas?
There is no way of controlling 'target' areas. From time to time various 'gimmicks' and 'devices' are promoted but have no strong clinical substantiation for their claims.

17. Is there any chance that the diet programme will affect my skin?
Yes... in a very positive manner. SDII dieters frequently comment on an improvement in their skin complexion and skin tone generally. The reason is quite simple: proper nutrition and increased water intake.

18. I know that potassium is important for my heart. Is there really enough in the formula?
For the normal person who is not taking diuretics (water pills) or any other medication, there is sufficient potassium when 'Litesalt' used both in tomato salad and tomato juice. It is imperative that anyone taking medication, particularly for high blood pressure consults their doctor so that he can monitor the potassium levels and supplement them if necessary.

19. Is the diet suitable for the elderly?
For the obese elderly with a medical problem such as maturity onset diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure the diet plan, used under medical supervision, is usually extremely beneficial.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline - FAQ

Can children take colostrum?
Absolutely. Colostrum can help growing children in many ways, from better concentration, increased memory plus children have a higher tendency to catch colds and illness from other schoolmates and colostrum will help immensely.

Can I take colostrum with other supplements and medications?
Colostrum actually helps your body and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. Colostrum heals the digestive tract so well that all substances eaten internally (food, herbs, natural healing substances, and medications) will become more bioavailability to the body. Although colostrum has no known drug interactions, you may find that the other supplements and medications that you are taking could have a more pronounced effect.

Do the immunoglobulins and growth factors in colostrum survive pasteurisation?
Tests have been carried out on colostrum (which is flash pasteurised at 72§ C for 15 seconds) show that the colostrum retains its bioactivity during this process.

How Does Colostrum Differ From Plain Milk?
Colostrum not only contains all the goodness of milk but also contains significant levels of growth promoting and disease fighting substances commonly referred to as growth factors, immune factors and immunoglobulins. These substances are also present in milk but at negligible levels. Further, colostrum has a much higher protein, vitamin, mineral content and is lower in lactose.

How does colostrum interact with other medicines and supplements?
Colostrum actually helps your body and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. In effect you will be getting more bang for your buck with everything you consume whether its water, supplements and food. You will be getting greater benefits since your body will be able to utilize them more. You may even find that you don't need to take as much as normal since your body is able to absorb all the nutrients.

How does colostrum produce the anti-aging results?
Colostrum works with your body to utilize its natural substances and increases your overall health. After puberty our body begins slowing down the production of growth hormones. These hormones are necessary for the reproduction of virtually all of our body cellular tissue. It has been shown that by age 80 we are producing virtually no growth hormones, and so we age and die. Colostrums growth factors are the actual hormones that stimulate the normal reproduction of body cellular tissue. Normal reproduction means just that (normal) not aged, cancerous, wrinkled, or weakened. The New England Journal of Medicine (a few years back) stated that the most effective anti-aging process would be simply the replacement of growth hormones at proper levels to slow, possibly stop and even reverse the aging processes.

How Does Colostrum Work?
The main function in the newborn is in the form of transfer of passive immunity from the mother to the child. The mother has been exposed to a variety of environmental factors and organisms to which her immune system has produced antibodies during her lifetime. In transfer of passive immunity the mother passes on her complement of antibodies to these various factors onto her offspring. In humans and apes the mother passively immunises her young in utero by passage of antibodies through the placenta. In animals where maternal antibodies do not pass the placental barrier (horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep) the young are passively immunised immediately after birth by way of colostrum. In these species the maternal antibodies present in the colostrum are absorbed directly through the gut in the first few days following birth.

How much colostrum should I take?
The amount of colostrum you take varies from person to person. The label suggests 2 to 3 capsules twice daily, but if your recovering from an injury you may want to start off taking more than this. Also, if you feel a cold or flu coming on you may want to up your dosage to help you recover quicker and relieve your symptoms.

I am vegetarian and I do not eat animal food.
Colostrum is neither animal nor vegetable. We take very good care of our cattle and make sure they are healthy and live a long happy life. Mother Nature produced colostrum for every mammal on Earth and it is by far the healthiest choice. With that said, the choice is completely yours.

I don't want to take colostrum away from the baby calf's that need it!
Don't worry, we don't deprive calves of their colostrum. Calves need it as much as any mammal and many calves would die without it. We make sure the calves get their fill first and then we take the remainder.

Is Bovine Colostrum Safe?
Bovine colostrums have been used for years as a food supplement, its use and safety is well documented. Colostrum is completely safe; it has no negative side effects and is a whole and natural food that can be consumed in ANY quantity. There are absolutely no toxicity levels. Further the manufacture and use of dairy products, and their associated safety and nutritional benefits is also well known. Through quality control management of the entire manufacturing process, from collection of the colostrum, through to packaging and storage, ensures the colostrum is delivered in perfect condition, certified to be fit for human consumption.

Should Colostrum be pasteurised?
Absolutely! Cow manure can easily splash onto the udders contaminating them with E-coli, salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria. This creates the potential for contamination of dairy products.
Dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurised to kill these pathogens. There are two ways of pasteurising colostrum - the optimal flash (15 second) pasteurisation and a slow 30-minute vat process. Flash pasteurisation uses the expensive, high-tech equipment found in the modern dairy that does not denature the colostrum. With the less expensive, 30-minute pasteurisation process, a huge vat of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to heat a large kettle of colostrum to the required temperature. During this interval, bacteria grow in the colostrum. As the bacteria feed upon the colostrum, it denatures and destroys its effectiveness. Most colostrum that is being sold to the public today has been prepared for the animal feed market and has not been pasteurised. Colostrum is pasteurised to the most demanding of International Standards - 72°C for 15 seconds - to ensure the highest microbiological quality.

Should I be taking colostrum if I am pregnant?
Colostrum definitely won’t hurt you or your fetus, but as always with anything you take during pregnancy you should check with your health care professional first. Once your baby is born it would be beneficial to start taking colostrum right away. Colostrum will help boost your immune system which suffers during child birth, it will help you recover faster and it will also help you to lose those extra pounds quicker associated with pregnancy.

What about my pets? Can they benefit from colostrum?
Yes! As a matter of fact, most pets love colostrum. Bovine colostrum is not species specific, dogs and cats will gain many health benefits from colostrum.

What are Antibodies?
Antibodies are very specialized molecules that are produced by the body's immune system. They are produced in response to the host being exposed to an immunogenic or foreign substance (antigen) such as an infectious microbe. There action is to ward off and or neutralise potentially disease-causing agents. A very important feature of antibodies is that are directed specifically to their antigen that induced their formation.

What are growth factors?
Growth factors are very small bio-active molecules which promote growth and maturation of various cell types and tissues. They are found in very high concentrations in colostrum. They not only stimulate normal growth and development but also help regenerate and accelerate the repair of aged or injured muscle, skin, bone, cartilage and nerve tissues. Growth factors also stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting or dieting. They also help build lean muscle and have been shown to have a positive effect on athletic performance.

What are Immune Factors?
In addition to immunoglobulins there are other substances in colostrum that have an immune function. Collectively they have been termed "Immune Factors". Their function is to complement the various functions associated with the immune response

What are Immunoglobulins?
The immunoglobulins are a group of specialised bio-active proteins or molecules found in serum and other tissue fluids, including the milk of all mammals. There are five classes of immunoglobulin that are recognised in mammals Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Immunoglobulin E (IgE), and Immunoglobulin D (IgD). The function of these molecules is to bind to invading organisms and to activate specific actions that help prevent to prevent infection and to rid the body of disease causing agents. They function in cell killing, inflammation and prevention of bacterial and viral attachment. The most prevalent class of immunoglobulin in all species is IgG. Immunoglobulins have an integral role in the immune defence system in that they form antibodies.

What if I'm a sports person?
Sports people's bodies need optimum nutrition and they frequently injure themselves when playing so colostrum is vital, both for optimum and faster rates of healing after injury.

What if I'm lactose intolerant?
The amount of lactose in colostrum is scant - 163 mg. in two capsules compared to 13,000 mg. in one 8-oz of milk. Any discomfort would more likely be a sign that colostrum is healing the digestive tract.

What if I'm over weight?
Colostrum is great for making the body work more effectively, which makes weight loss easier.

What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the first food for growth and immunity; it is the pre-milk or rather the first lacteal secretion that is produced by the mother in all mammals immediately following the birth of her young. Colostrum is frequently referred to as “lifes first food”. It not only supports life but also makes it flourish. Colostrum is produced in the first few days following the birth of the newborn. Colostrum is a non-toxic, non-allergenic food supplement that has no negative interactions with drugs, food or other supplements.

Each drop contains the promise of life: the immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other substances designed to provide the body with the ability to face a lifetime of invasion by micro-organisms and environmental toxins. Colostrum is a non-toxic, non-allergenic food supplement that has no negative interactions with drugs, food or other supplements.

Each drop contains the promise of life: the immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other substances designed to provide the body with the ability to face a lifetime of invasion by micro-organisms and environmental toxins.

What is Immuno-Supplementation?
Local protection in the form of immuno-supplementation with bovine antibodies has been shown to be an effective means of providing local protection to the gastrointestinal tract against disease.
Bovine immunoglobulin in the form of antibodies, both specific and non-specific, has been shown to be effective against various diseases. In trials it has been successfully shown that specific antibodies in bovine milk are effective against both enteropathogenic and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, cryptosporidium, rotavirus, and Shigella flexneri.

What is Passive Immunity?
In all species of mammals the transfer of passive immunity occurs where the mother passes on her complement of antibodies to her young. In the case of the newborn this helps in protecting the young against potentially pathogen agents until the time it's own immune system is sufficiently developed to ward of infection on it's own.

What is Passive Local Protection?
In humans passive transmission of immunity occurs prior to birth and thus a newborn human baby at birth is born with a complement of maternal antibodies. After birth the antibodies present in human colostrum and milk function in local protection of the gut. In animals like the horse, cow, sheep, and goat passive transmission of maternal antibodies occurs in the first 20-48 hours following birth by way of colostrum.
During this time the newborn animal absorbs intact maternal antibodies present in the colostrum directly through the digestive tract. After the first few days the animal's digestive tract matures (gut closure) and the direct adsorption of intact antibody ceases. At this point any antibodies present in the colostrum and milk act in local protection of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

What is the Immune System?
The immune system is a natural defence mechanism by which the body fights infection. It is divided into two functional systems, the innate and adaptive immune systems.

What is the Adaptive Immune System?
The adaptive immune system produces a specific response in response to an infective agent. This specific response is in the form of antibodies, which are produced to neutralize the invading agent.
A very important feature of the adaptive immune system is that it involves memory, in that gives rise to resistance to repeated exposure or infection by the same invading agent. The importance of this memory factor is seen in childhood diseases such as Chicken Pox, Measles, and Mumps in which the adaptive immune system produces a life-long immunity following infection.

What is the Innate Immune System?
This is the first line of defence by which the host combats infectious agents and pathogenic microbes. This is non-specific response, which proves effective against most infective agents. The skin is part of the innate immune system as it acts as a preventive barrier to most infective agents.

When is colostrum collected?
The first colostrum collected after birth is reserved for the newborn calf. New Image colostrum is collected within first 36 hours.

Why Bovine Colostrum?
Interestingly, bovine colostrum is the only form of colostrum that is not species specific. In other words, it contains all of the immune and growth factors found in all other sources and thus it can significantly benefit all other mammals, including humans of course. Because calves are born without any immunity to airborne, disease-causing organisms, their mothers colostrum must contain a very large amount of immune and health factors. As a result bovine colostrum has 10 - 21 times the factors of human colostrum, making it the richest source of colostrum available.

Why Can't I Get Colostrum From A Local Farmer?
You can. It needs to be refrigerated and consumed before it spoils. Raw colostrum is not pasteurised and contains immune factors from just one cow. This differs from processed colostrum, which is concentrated and provides a broad base of immune factors that have been pooled from hundreds and sometimes thousands of cows.

Why do I need colostrum, as an adult?
Once puberty has passed, our bodies begin the aging process by gradually producing less of the immune and growth factors that help us fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. Colostrum is the only natural source of these life-giving components.

Why is Colostrum Important?
Colostrum is the first food that is available to the newborn. It is not only highly nutritious but also contains substances (immunoglobulins and immune factors) that help to stimulate and augment the newborns immune system thus helping to protect the vulnerable newborn from it's new potentially harmful environment (passive transmission of immunity). Further it contains contains substances (growth factors and cytokines) which act to stimulate the development, maturation and proliferation of various tissues and organs.

The significance of colostrum is best illustrated in farm animals, such as the horse, cow, goat, sheep and pig. In these animals passive transmission of immunity occurs after birth in the form of colostrum. If these animals do not receive colostrum in the first 12 - 24 hours following birth they have a very good chance of not surviving (mortality rates of up to 25% have been reported).

Why is Local Passive Protection Important?
The importance of passive local protection is evidenced in the newborn calf where diarrhoea and other enteric infections (scours) can prove fatal. It has been widely accepted that the best source of nourishment for the infant mammal is mother's milk. This has largely been attributed to not only the nutritional benefits of mother's milk but also the presence of milk immunoglobulins providing local passive protection of the GI tract.

Why New Zealand Colostrum?
New Zealand Colostrum is recognised as the world’s premium colostrum. Why? Because it is collected only from pasture-fed cows, that are pesticide, antibiotic and hormone free. New Zealand has a strong competitive advantage in colostrum production due in part to NZ's dairy cows all calving during a single three-month period each year. 

This means NZ Colostrum is collected in bulk and transported in a fresh chilled state from farms to the processing plant, in the same way as milk. This is a critical production advantage, because gentle handling, and low temperature collection and process technology preserve Colostrum's active ingredients. In other countries, colostrum is collected in batches until there is enough to process. This means it must be stored for long periods before processing, so it is frozen. Rapid freezing and rapid thawing techniques prior to processing may cause damage to the protein molecules and may compromise the integrity and biological activity of the immunoglobulins, growth factors and other biologically active components. 

The absolutely best source of colostrum is from the early milk of pasture fed, non-hyperimmunised, healthy New Zealand cows. It is our temperate climate combined with our farming practices make New Zealand the absolute best supplier of colostrum. Further New Zealand milk products are renowned worldwide for their quality and consistency in both manufacture and supply. International quality auditors to ISO 9001 standards certify the testing laboratories and all manufacturing facilities.