As a business owner of
a New Zealand colostrum company, I think it is the right for me to give you not
only the facts of colostrum but both sides of the story to you.
You may have heard
claims about colostrum been the "Ultimate anti-aging, weight loss, and
immune supplement." In addition, colostrum boosts your immune system.
Several studies have been made find out more about colostrum's role in recovery
from high-intensity exercise.
One study made in
Australian cyclists found that the amount of work completed was significantly
greater in the group of athletics on colostrum supplement than those that are
not. It suggests that colostrum could boost recovery from high-intensity
This would be a boon
for athletes carrying out interval workouts, participating in heats over the
course of a day's competition or even attempting to 'hold on' during a race
after a high-intensity surge.
Limitation of
Colostrum On the Athletes
During the study
period, the three groups followed identical diets in terms of carbohydrate,
protein and fat consumption, and total energy intake. Training volume was also
similar, with each group averaging about 88 minutes of cycle training per day.
As it turned out,
neither of the dosages of cow colostrum had any effect on body mass, body
composition or max aerobic capacity over the eight-week study period.
Supplementation was also unable to improve performances to any significant
Why did bovine
colostrum improve the cyclists' ability to handle tough efforts at the end of
the two-hour ride?
There are several
possible explanations: for one thing, bovine colostrum contains a very
important compound called plasma insulin-like growth factor I, or IGF-1. IGF-1
spurs the passage of nutrients into cells and - as its name suggests - can
stimulate growth.
Bovine IGF-1 happens
to have the same basic structure as human IGF-1, and thus it is possible that
the IGF-1 in bovine colostrum might boost energy levels within muscles,
kick-start protein synthesis, and aid recovery after strenuous workouts.
However, blood concentrations of IGF-1 did not increase in this study, in contrast
with the findings of previous studies on the effects of colostrum on runners.
Here are some other
claims made by the colostrum manufacturers. Colostrum increases resistance to
disease, facilitates fat burning, builds muscle, balances blood sugar and enhances
mood. Sounds like snake oil to me.
If all of these claims
sound too good to be true, it is normal and you can't possibly stop people from
over stating the benefits of colostrum. Some even claim that it's a miracle
supplement and it would heal most of the diseases like cancer etc.
There are also claims
that colostrum help boost immunity. Yes, to an extent that it is true. However,
do you really believe that colostrum will make you immune to common diseases
like colds and flu? I doubt so.
You may be puzzled why
me, been a business owner of a colostrum supplying company will ever say this
to you. Honestly, I believe in speaking the truth to you, after all internet is
just a tool to communicate to people. Those people who may be reading this
article are after all REAL PEOPLE.
As a business owner of
a New Zealand colostrum company, I think it is the right way for me to give you
not only the facts of colostrum but both sides of the story to you. Colostrum
boost your immune system, you may get sick even if you are on colostrum but
there's one thing I can guarantee about, you will be the last person to get
sick and the first one in your family to recover from any common sickness.
Will colostrum prevent
you from getting sick?
Answer is no. But it makes sure that you will be the first to
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